

Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Event Center.

The next meeting of the Maine Society of Anesthesiologists will held at the Atlantic Oceanside Hotel & Event Center in Bar Harbor on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 2 to 5 pm in conjunction with the Maine Medical Association's Annual Session. 

Topics to be discussed at MeSA's Business Meeting include: 

  • Federal Legislative/ASA Update from an ASA elected physician leader 
  • State Legislative Update 
  • MeSA PAC Trustee Elections
  • Report on Advocacy and Patient Safety 
  • Resident Engagement 

You are welcome to come to the meeting at the last minute if you're schedule allows.

For more information, please contact Lisa Montagna at mesahq@gmail.com or 207-620-4015

Learn More or Register for the Meeting

MeSA Members Meet with Maine's Congressional Delegation

2024 ASA Washington Legislative Conference

Adam O'Brien, DO, Gasper Gasperlin, DO, and Daniel Campos,  MD, MPH, FASA

On May 14, 2024, Drs. Dan Campos, Adam O'Brien, and Gasper Gasperlin met with the legislative aids for Senator Susan Collins, Senator King, and Congressman Golden to urge Congress to take action to preserve safe anesthesia care for our nation’s Veterans, hold the commercial insurance industry accountable for continuing to put their profits ahead of patients and physicians and to increase access to naloxone in more public settings.  These same topics were also discussed with the offices of Congresswoman Pingree on May 15.  For further information about these meetings, please email mesahq@gmail.com.

Residents' Day at the Legislature

On March 28, 2024, residents from Maine Medical Center, along with MeSA's Medical Student Liaison met with legislators, had a tour of the Maine State Capitol, and were recognized by the House of Representatives.  Following the State House tour, the group met for lunch and a Problem-Based Learning Discussion concerning Rural Pass-Through Legislation.

2024 Residents Day at the Legislature

MeSA Resident's Day at the Legislature

Front Row:  Adam Owen, MD, Christopher Abruzzese, DO and Associate Program Director, Patrick McAuley, MBBS, Christine Kerr, DO, Lucine Papazian, DO, Margaret Carroll, MD, Lisa Montagna, Executive Director, Alexandra Maghear, Medical Student Liaison, and Simbarashe Matoi, MB BCh.

Middle Row:  Kristin A. Johnson, MS, C-TAGME and Program Manager, Jacob Longfellow, DO, Kyle Holmsen, DO, Gasper Gasperlin, DO, and Michael Finke, DO.

Top Row:  Charm Karunasiri, MD, Jay Kellegrew, MD, Josie Watczak, MD, Zachary Woodward, DO, and Keating Pepper, DO.

National Calendar

Latest Central Line Podcast!

Dr. Adam Striker interviews Drs. Steven Butz, Victor Davila, and Thomas Durick from the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA) about common perioperative myths. Is hypercarbia preferable to hypocarbia? Is MAC best in ambulatory settings? Is propofol safe for patients with allergies? Learn answers to these questions and more in this informative episode. Recorded June 2024.

Help Preserve the Physician-Led Care Team

Decisions are made every day in Augusta which directly affect your practice.  Maine Society of Anesthesiologists works year-round to increase awareness and share concerns on important issues that physicians are facing.

About MeSA

The Maine Society of Anesthesiologists (MeSA) is a statewide association for practicing anesthesiologists.
MeSA is dedicated to the safety of Maine's surgical patients.